Thursday 17 February 2011

Grounding In Reiki

Grounding is the process of bringing your energy in harmony with the resonance of the earth. Grounding slows, calms, and infuses you with strength and steadiness. You may notice a distinct shift in your mood as you connect with the Mother Earth.

Grounding, making protection for yourself or shielding is especially important for a practitioner who uses energy healing on others, like Reiki, Prana Healing or any other kind of energy work.It is easy to do and also can be done on a regular basis, when you feel angry or sad, "out of balance",  "wound up" , "stressed" or drained by our surroundings or the lifestyle.As our modern lifestyle sometimes rips us away from the healing, strengthening qualities of nature and the earth.It is important to be grounded before and after the healing session.It will give practitioners sence of peace, inner strength and power. When you heal a person, you make a contact with the patient's energy field. So you need to protect yourself, in order to prevent your body/energy field, from taking the patient's unwanted negative energy, physical symptoms or energy blocks as/or when they get reliesed during the treatment. Protection works both ways it shields the practitioner and the patient from each other's unwanted negative energy.
The grounding process works like a strainer removing only the unwanted energy debris and allowing the healing process to continue its work at much stronger level. After the healing session clean the client's aura and ask Reiki Energy, God, Higher Power or your Spirit Guides to remove any "footprints" from aura of both the client and yourself.And reliese thiese "footprints' to the ground and transform them into positive energy. A practitioner should always ground and shield one's self in situations where his energy system may be vulnerable.This is a very beneficial practise.You can groung yourself every morning before you leave your home and this will protect you during the day.

To ground or make energetic protection for yourself, stand or sit on the chair with your feet flat on the floor or on the ground if you're outside.Than visualize the roots of a tree developing from your base chakra , moving down your legs, to the bottom of your feet and going deep into the ground.Connecting you to the Mother Earth. Allow your awareness to drop down to the ground with the roots till you feel physically heavier. Feel you are rooted to the center of the earth. If you feel like releasing your negative energy try to do so through your roots. The earth energy will transform it. If you need extra energy, draw it from the earth. Let the earth's energy come up through the roots into your feet, base chakra and than the whole body.Finaly feel how the energy reaching your shoulders and head and than coming out of the top of your head and showering back again to the ground. Awareness should always be grounded on the earth even when you imagine energy going up your body.

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